
Safety Tips For Children And Adults During Raining Season



It’s that period of the year again when the rains are much and the roads are flooded. The rainy season is a time one needs to be careful especially for children and a call to all parents to be careful about how they care for their children during this period.

Below are some of the safety tips for children and adults during this season

1. Don’t send a child on an errand when it’s raining heavily. The child can go when the rain stops.

2. Children should be taught to wait in a safe place when it’s raining. They should avoid running home under heavy rain.

3. Children and adults should avoid staying under trees or close to electricity poles when it’s raining.

4. Children should be discouraged from playing in the rain.

5. Children should be discouraged from playing in streams or river when rain is falling.

6. Children should be discouraged from playing in floodwater. Beware of leptospirosis a bacterial disease that is spread by floods containing urine and other bodily fluids of infected animals including dogs and rodent.

7. Make it a habit to wash hands and feet especially after contact with floodwater.

8. Avoid stagnant water which is the breeding ground for mosquitoes. Pave a way for the water to flow.

9. Beware of the source of your drinking water This is to prevent waterborne diarrhoea disease.

10. Children are inquisitive; they should be educated not to touch electric wires when electric poles fall down.

11. Fallen electricity poles should be reported to the nearest Electricity Distribution Company.

12. Adults should not drive under heavy rain especially when they can’t see clearly through their windscreen. They can park and wait for the rain to subside before they continue driving.

13. Do not tailgate – drive close to another car when it’s raining. If a car is tailgating you slow down and allow that car to overtake you.

14. Adults should not park their car, motorcycle, tricycle or bicycle under a tree or close to an electricity pole when it’s raining heavily.

15. Stay indoors during heavy rain that has lightning and thunder.

16. If you have to go out in the rain ensure you have any of the following: umbrella, hooded raincoat, rain boots, rubber slippers, shower cap, etc

17. Ensure windows and doors are locked before leaving the house, classroom or office. This is raining season, rain can fall at any time.

18. Keep your phone in a waterproof bag or nylon so that it doesn’t get spoilt by the rain especially when you are in the rain.

19. Put on clothes on children that keep them warm. You can put a cardigan in their school bag for them to put on when the weather changes

20. Avoid cold drinks and food this season. Wash fruit and vegetables properly before eating.

Please let us stay safe. Parents, Teachers, Aunties and Uncles are admonished to instruct their children in these things. Don’t assume they know please tell them again. A mother lost two of her children when she sent them to buy twenty naira sugar when it was raining. This happened in Niger State, Nigeria. Please let us educate our children; no child should die due to such a thing again.

Remember it’s better late than never.

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