Proposed Abeokuta City Centre to Create 4000 Jobs, Infrastructure Development – AutoReportNG
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Proposed Abeokuta City Centre to Create 4000 Jobs, Infrastructure Development



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Not less than 4,000 direct and indirect employment opportunities will be created, when construction works on the Abeokuta City Centre, in the Ogun State capital, is completed.

The Promoter of Shoprite, Mr. Tayo Amusan, made this known in an interview with newsmen, after he accompanied Governor Ibikunle Amosun and stakeholders, on an inspection of the project site, in Abeokuta.

He said the vision is to create a city within a city, that will accommodate people from all over West Africa. 

The Lead Contractor handling the project, Mr. Ibukun Sonola, also answering questions, said the project, which has reached 60 percent completion stage, will be completed by December 2019.
Amosun, in his remarks, restated his government’s commitment to creating an enabling environment for businesses to thrive.

The governor thanked the people of the state for standing by his administration in the last seven and half years, appreciating investors for believing in its policies.

Amosun added that the City Centre will be powered by the Independent Power Project (IPP) of the state government, in order to bring down the cost of rentals at the mall.

See more of the proposed site pictures here…

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