Road Collapsed In Aba After A Heavy Downpour (Photos) – AutoReportNG
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Road Collapsed In Aba After A Heavy Downpour (Photos)



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There was a road collapse today at the East Road By River Layout, Ahia Udele In Aba after a heavy downpour due to the badly constructed culvert.


According to reports available to AutoReportNG, there was a road collapse in Aba. It was gathered that the road collapsed after the heavy downpour on Sunday afternoon. The road was due to the badly constructed junction linking the culvert and the road.

While many are still wondering what can cause the collapse, AutoReportNG investigations noticed that the road was built a drainage culvert. The contractor that did the shady job used the curvet as the base of the junction such that when it falls and water passes through the culvert, it exerts pressure on the junction which made the portion to collapse due to poor reinforcement, bad planning or maybe managing of tools.

While the road did not show any sign of crack or damage before it collapsed, the residents were thankful that no lives were lost save for the minibus that got stuck and fell into the ditch.

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Abia Road Collapse Abia Road Collapse

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