See The On-Going Construction Of Bayelsa Cargo Airport - Photos And Video – AutoReportNG
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See The On-Going Construction Of Bayelsa Cargo Airport – Photos And Video



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As Bayelsa state is preparing for the commissioning of its Bayelsa Cargo Airport, we felt it worthwhile to show our readers the level of work and how far the state government has fared in this project. According to reports, the construction started in 2014 under the GEJ administration, even though the state government tries to meet up and to fast-track its running, construction but it seems situations in the country made it drag for so long.

We are able to get some pictures from the ground-breaking, the construction and up to the last phase. We will all recall that the state government promised that the cargo airport will be ready by August 2018. According to the Bayelsa’s ministry of communication, the project was funded by the state government 100%.

AutoReportNG was able to get some sights and sounds from the cargo airport.

Watch the video here…

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