Inside Vladimir Putin's $500m Presidential Aircraft Which Has Luxury Rooms, Gold Plated Toilet, Kitchen And Office – AutoReportNG
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Inside Vladimir Putin’s $500m Presidential Aircraft Which Has Luxury Rooms, Gold Plated Toilet, Kitchen And Office



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Vladimir Putin’s name is not strange to the world. Putin can be termed a no-nonsense leader who speaks less but commands so much respect, discipline, and power, little wonder he is rated as one of the most powerful man on earth.


From a gold-plated toilet to a king-sized bed and even a gym, these astonishing pictures show the lavish interior of one of Vladimir Putin’s private jets.

The Russian president’s $500million aircraft was pictured in the Finnish capital, Helsinki, when he had a historic meeting with Donald Trump, who also boasts his own private jet – Air Force One, which is worth $1billion (£780million).

The aircraft was constructed by Voronezh’s airline company and has a special coating that makes it less visible to radar.

Infographic Of Putin's Plane

Conference Room Putin

The Russian government has also installed an advanced communication system on board that allows the aircraft to act as a management centre capable of carrying out the prompt commandment of troops in case of unexpected conflict.

Putin has four identical private jets and they are all readied for departure as soon as knowledge of an international flight is public, with three acting as decoys.

The specific plane to be used by Putin is not known until take-off.

Walkway of The Aircraft
Gym Room Putin

After the choice is made, either one or all three of the remaining planes follow the president as back-up.

And he can call upon 68 fighter jets from the special Russian Aerospace Forces to repel attacks.

Here we take a look inside both jets to see how they compare…

Gold Plated Office Table

Gold Plated Office Table

A Kitchen Onboard Stocked With Food

A Kitchen Onboard Stocked With Food

Putin's Table

Putin’s Table

A Private Gym Room

A Private Gym Room

Private Bedroom

Private Bedroom

Conference Room

Conference Room

Gold Plated Toilet

Gold Plated Toilet

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