Army Chief, Gen Buratai Inspects How Combat Vehicles Are Constructed In Maiduguri (PHOTOS) – AutoReportNG
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Army Chief, Gen Buratai Inspects How Combat Vehicles Are Constructed In Maiduguri (PHOTOS)



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The Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai, has inspected ongoing manufacture and repairs/overhaul of combat vehicles, including Armoured Personnel Carriers and Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles by Army Engineers in Maiduguri.

APC Vehicle construction in Maiduguri

The work was being carried out at the 107 Division Equipment Support in Maimalari Barracks, Maiduguri.

Gen Buratai was accompanied by the Chief of Training and Operations (Army), Theatre Commander Operation LAFIYA DOLE, Chief of Logistics (Army), Chief of Military Intelligence and the Acting General Officer Commanding 7 Division among others.

With this local made of vehicles, the army is saving a lot of money by engaging the services of its personnel and also the command.

What Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected Is Used For

Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected is a term for United States military light tactical vehicles produced as part of the MRAP program that are designed specifically to withstand improvised explosive device (IED) attacks and ambushes. Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles serve a vital role in military ballistic protection in hostile territories.

The Making of MRAP and APC by the Nigerian Army Inspection of the MRAP and APC by Burutai

An armoured personnel carrier (APC) is a broad type of armoured, military vehicles designed to transport personnel and equipment in combat zones. They are sometimes referred to colloquially as “battle taxis” or “battle buses”. Since World War I, APCs have become a very common piece of military equipment around the world.

According to the definition in the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, an APC is “an armoured combat vehicle which is designed and equipped to transport a combat infantry squad and which, as a rule, is armed with an integral or organic weapon of less than 20 millimetres calibre.”

Compared to infantry fighting vehicles, which are also used to carry infantry into battle, APCs have less armament and are not designed to provide direct fire support in battle.

Below are some of the photos from the construction site.

The fabricated APC vehicle Inspection of MRAP, APC Construction by Nigerian Army, Buratai Local construction of MRAP and APC in Maiduguri Local made of APC by Nigerian Army Inspection of MRAP, APC Construction by Nigerian Army Buratai Inspecting the local made APC

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