Nigerian Man Converts A Volkswagen Beetle Car into a ‘Rolls Royce’ | Photos – AutoReportNG
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Nigerian Man Converts A Volkswagen Beetle Car into a ‘Rolls Royce’ | Photos



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Just as the popular saying that says greatness is not by colour, race or religion, there is a drop of greatness in every man.

A Nigerian man named Muhammad Abdul Modibo, who is an auto technician had a dream of building classy cars. He said he would have loved to drive a Rolls Royce but since he can’t afford it, he decided to convert his Volkswagen Beetle into a Rolls Royce replica.

Isa Bature took to Facebook to share photos of the new vehicle after a great work by the designer and engineer.

Bature wrote: “Volkswagen Beetle with new looks and it’s better than ever.

Designed and reconstructed by Muhammad Abdul Modibbo AKA Modibbo Automobile, Founder of Gamji Automobile Nig. Ltd, Zakibiam, Ukum Local government area of Benue State.

“One of Mr Modibbo’s goal with the model was to give it a more aggressive appearance while giving it some stylistic aspect of the reminiscent of the Beetle’s designed.

New features of the Beetle includes, 4 doors, Double barrel and a well-designed interior and exterior.


The aftermath are the photos posted below…

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