Lagos Disclaims Viral Post On New Traffic Offences, Fines – AutoReportNG
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Lagos Disclaims Viral Post On New Traffic Offences, Fines



Lagos One-Way-Traffic
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Recently, it went viral on blogs and sites (not AutoReportNG) that the Lagos State Government has released new lists of fines and charges against motorists in the state, the Lagos State Government has come out to debunk the viral post as fake news.

The commissioner of transportation, Dr. Frederic Oladeinde, emphasized that the purported new Lagos Traffic Laws were not issued by the Lagos State Government, warning all road users to be wary of unscrupulous and faceless elements, who are out to scam unsuspecting Lagosians of their hard-earned money.

LASTMA Childrens Day

The Lagos State Government has disclaimed an online viral post titled “New Lagos Traffic Offences and Fines” being circulated on social media platforms, advising that the motoring public should disregard the information in its entirety because it false and did not originate from the Ministry of Transportation or Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA).

While noting that the existing Lagos State Traffic Laws are still in operation, he informed that interested Lagosians and the motoring public can access the State Traffic Laws on the Ministry of Transportation page, through the Lagos State website:

The Commissioner also disclosed that the Lagos State Transport Sector Reform Laws of 2018 can also be accessed online, through a simple google search, to get acquainted with the various traffic offences and penalties existing in the State.

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