See The New Look Of Second Niger Bridge (May 2020 Report) – AutoReportNG
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See The New Look Of Second Niger Bridge (May 2020 Report)



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The Federal Ministry of Works and Housing has released May 2020 Progress Report on the Second Niger Bridge which comprises 1.6 km long River Niger Bridge; 10.3km Highway, Owerri Interchange and Toll Station.

The May report shows the level of work done on the bridge which links several Eastern States together. The 2nd Niger Bridge is a Nigerian Federal Government project that is 1.6 km long and furnished with other ancillary infrastructure including a 10.3 km highway, Owerri interchange and a toll station, expected to be completed in the year 2022. The bridge was initiated under the administration of Goodluck Jonathan and is being sustained by President Muhammadu Buhari.

The bridge is being constructed across Nigeria’s Niger River and it will span from Asaba to Ozubulu and Ogbaru areas.

The project is being developed through a public-private partnership (PPP) involving Julius Berger.

These are photos from the bridge

Report From The Site - 2nd Niger Bridge The Sandfill The Sandfilling The Casting of The bridge - Second Niger Bridge An Overview of The Second Niger Bridge Construction Coming Up... The Toll Gate The Aerial View Of the Bridge The Casting Of the Bridge Men At Work at Second Niger Bridge An Overview of The Second Niger Bridge

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